Weekly Bulletin 21/11/22

Hello Fitzbillies! Welcome to the second last week of the term. There are lots of events and opportunities going on, so do try to swing by in between classes and other events.

This week’s Fitztivities 

This week’s events are :

7.30pm Monday– Music Concert [Chapel]. Some of Fitz’s finest student musicians perform a varied selection of chamber music, including Johnathan Sebastian Bach’s solo bass cantata Ich habe genug.

7.30pm Thursday – Grad Salon [SCR].

7.30pm Thursday – Launch Party [Chapel]. A launch party with wine, soft drinks and nibbles to celebrate the release on iTunes and Spotify, as well as in physical form of the Fitz Choir’s album. The stalk had no knots, and an opportunity to purchase ahead of Christmas.

3pm Friday – Tree Decoration & Crafts. [MCR]

7pm Sunday – Carol Service 6 pm. More details soon!

If you use google calendar, you can see the MCR events timetable here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the MCR secretary, Sarah, at mcr.secretary@fitz.cam.ac.uk

Careers Service Introduction (1st December)

This is an important event for all those who need a guideline towards job applications within their field of study. It will be done via zoom on the 1st of December at 5 pm.

Fitzwilliam College PhD’s and Masters – Careers Service Introduction

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86306678756?pwd=cVI3QjdWMzR3ZlZTVisvazhrWk9Odz09

Other Opportunities

Product Design Tournament

Forwarded to you by Hercules Cambridge:
This year’s Hercules Cambridge Design Tournament is coming to you in two weeks! It is a 3-week design challenge for everyone to get their hands on. Absolutely no experience is required to get involved! Our talented design team skill leads and professional mentors will guide you every step of the way, allowing you to have designed a product that you can call your own.

Dates: Nov 26 to Dec 17
Saturday, 26 Nov: Opening Ceremony (Engineering Department LT1)
Thursday, 1st Dec: Prototyping Day (Engineering Department Dyson Center)

All other dates: Remote on Zoom

We have judges, speakers and mentors from Ford, Microsoft, IBM and Life Fitness, who will guide you through your time with us and give you top-quality feedback backed up with years of experience. This tournament will be sponsored by Dyson and Solid Solution. By participating, you can be recognised for your talent in product innovation, and build up your own CVs and design portfolios. The signup is open to anyone regardless of year group or Tripos. You can sign up solo where we will put you into teams, or feel free to find your own teams of 4 (please still sign up individually and get into your teams on Discord)!

Please sign up on our internal platform by 24th November 2022 2359 GMT!
Sign Up Link: https://www.herculescambridge.org.uk/internal_events_new?id=27

Our primary form of communication for the tournament will be on Discord. This is the link to sign up for the Discord server https://discord.gg/s9a6W6vG. Once here, please create your teams (if you have joined with friends) in the team-forming channel!

Trinity May Ball

Worker applications for the 2023 Trinity May Ball are open! 🎆

We’re looking for motivated people to join us in putting on one of Cambridge’s most spectacular nights. Candidates that impress will be interviewed either at the end of Michaelmas or during Lent. Some of the roles offer guaranteed right-to-buy tickets to the ball!

No experience is necessary for most roles so submit your applications as soon as possible as we recruit on a rolling basis!

Visit the link if you have any questions, or email personnel@trinityball.co.uk.

Watersprite Festival Screening: Moonlight, 21st November

Forwarded to you by Watersprite’s Communications Team:

Moonlight, (dir. by Barry Jenkins) will be showing at 6:30pm at the Cambridge Arts Picturehouse. 

Tickets are only £4.99 for under 25s.

This is part of our Intro to Cinema series: a taster into aspects of independent cinema that you may not have had a chance to explore before or that you would like a refresher in. 

I’ve attached an event poster to this email, should you wish to share on your college socials. If you can, we’d really appreciate it if you could add the following tags: 

Facebook: @ArtsPicturehouse

Instagram: @campicturehouse

Twitter: @CamPicturehouse

Our own tag is @waterspritefilm on all channels.

Here’s also the links to the promotional trailer and a Facebook page for the event.

Education Resources 

Get to know the “Education Resources” tab on the Fitz MCR webpage!
This is a one-stop page which consolidates quick-access links to various academic databases and software that might be useful across different types of courses – not just those on which Cambridge already has institutional licenses for, but also others where one can request directly for a free educational/academic license!

Have any ideas or suggestions on what databases or software to include here? Simply drop an email to mcr.academic@fitz.cam.ac.uk – this page is non-exhaustive and will have rolling updates!

Fitz MCR Charity

This year the MCR are supporting a local charity – Jimmy’s Cambridge – who support the homeless community in Cambridge. Please consider making a donation through our Just Giving page. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/MCR-Treasurer

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